
Published January 03, 2021 by mark with 0 comment

Configure WAN and LAN in Mikrotik Router


Configure WAN on ethernet1 port of the router.

1.Navigate to IP > Addresses. Address List box will pop up.

2. Click the plus sign (+).  A dialog box for New Address will pop up.


3. Enter the IP address given by ISP or any IP that can access the internet. Select an interface. I use ether1.                          

Configure the DNS server. 

1. Navigate on IP > DNS .

2. Dialog box for DNS Settings will pop up. Click the plus sign (+). Enter the DNS server for your network. You can use and Click Apply then Ok.

Configure the IP Route.

1. Navigate IP > Routes.Route List will pop up. Click the plus sign (+).

2. New route dialog  box will pop up. On Gateway, enter the gateway of your ISP or any IP address that have internet.

Test the internet on the router
1. Navigate to New Terminal. Type ping to test if you have internet connection on the router.

Configure the Bridge. 
1. Navigate to Bridge.Click the plus sign (+). Type a name for your bridge. I use LAN. You can use any name you want.

2 Click Ports tab. Click the plus sign (+). On interface, select ether2. Hit Apply and Ok.

Configure the LAN on ether2 port. 

1. Click the plus sign (+). Enter the IP address.I use for this tutorial.This is also will be the gateway of your network. In Interface, select LAN. Click Apply then Ok. 

Configure NAT for your network.

1. Navigate IP > Firewall. Then click NAT tab. Click the plus sign (+). NAT Rule dialog box will pop up.On General tab, select srcnat for Chain. On Out Interface, select ether1.

2. Click Action tab. In Action, select masquerade. Click Apply then Ok.Your computers on your network will now have an access to internet.


Configure DHCP Server
1. Navigate to IP then hit DHCP Server. DHCP server will pop. Click theDHCP Setup. On DHCP Server Interface select LAN. Then hit Next.

2. Type the on DHCP Address Space. Then hit Next.

3. Type on Gateway for DHCP Network. Then hit Next.

4. Automatically, IP address for Addresses to Give out will be filled up. Hit Next.

5. On DNS Servers, IP address will be automatically filled up. Just hit Next.

6. On Lease Time, type your desired time to leased the IP address to the computers on your network.

7. Just click OK.

Test the internet connection on the computer by typing ping on command prompt.
Make sure that your computer is configured to obtain automatic IP address from your DHCP Server.

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Published January 03, 2021 by mark with 0 comment

QoS/Traffic Shaping on Mikrotik Router

 On this tutorial we will configure QoS or traffic shaping on the mikrotik router. Ether1 was already configured for WAN and ether2 was configured for LAN. We will configure the traffic shaping on ether2. Ether2 was configured with IP Address Let say we have 10Mbps internet bandwidth and we want to limit into 1Mbps. Your network address is

Step 1 Mangle  Rule for Download

Navigate to IP > Firewall > Mangle tab > press the (+) plus sign >Mangle Rule dialog box will pop up > on Chain: select forward > on Dst. Address: type

Then press the Action tab > on Action: select mark packet > on New Packet Mark: type  DL          ( type any words you prefer like download or d_load) > press Apply then OK.

Step 2 Mangle Rule for Upload

Navigate to IP > Firewall > Mangle tab > press the (+) plus sign > Mangle Rule dialog box will pop up > on Chain: select forward > on Src. Address: type 

Then press the Action tab > on Action: select mark packet > on New Packet Mark: type  UP         ( type any words you prefer like upload or u_load) > press Apply then OK.

Step 3 Queue Types for Download and Upload

Navigate to Queues > press Queue Types tab> press the (+) plus sign > Queue Type dialog box will pop up. OType Name: type lan_download (enter any words you want like download or down_load) > on Kind: select pcg > on Rate: type 1M (1Mbps bandwidth) > on Classifier: tick  Dst. Address. Then press Apply and OK.

Navigate to Queues > press Queue Types tab> press the (+) plus sign > Queue Type dialog box will pop up. OType Name: type lan_upload (you can enter any words you want like upload or up_load) > on Kind: select pcg > on Rate: type 1M (1Mbps bandwidth) > on Classifier: tick Src. Address.  Then press Apply and OK.

Step 4 Queue for Download and Upload

 Navigate to Queues > press Queue Tree tab> press the (+)plus sign > on Name: dowload (you can type any name) > on Packet Marks: select DL (DL was created on Step 1 Mange Rule) > on Queue Type: select lan_download (lan_download was created on Step 3 Queue Types). Then press Apply and OK.

 Navigate to Queues > press Queue Tree tab> press the (+)plus sign > on Name: type upload(you can type any name) > on Packet Marks: select UP (UP was created on Step 1 Mange Rule) > on Queue Type: select lan_download (lan_download was created on Step 3 Queue Types). Then press Apply and OK.

We can test this settings if we achieve the 1Mbps bandwidth limit through www.speedtest.net. 
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